IGCSE Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
The Secondary curriculum at Pearling Season International School is based on the National Curriculum of England, which leads to IGCSE and A-Level examinations, which qualify students for entrance to universities throughout the world.
As students progress through the school, they are encouraged to become more independent, academically and socially, making sure that by the time they enter Year 10, they are fully equipped to access the IGCSE curriculum. The school offers the IGCSE curriculum in Years 10 & 11. At the end of Year 9, students choose the subjects they wish to follow at IGCSE examination level during Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4).
The compulsory subjects are Mathematics, English, Science (students must choose at least one science from Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Arabic and Physical Education. The optional subjects include History, Geography, Business, Art, French, English Literature and ICT
Extra-curricular and enrichment options allow students to broaden and deepen their knowledge in areas of interest and to engage in a challenging and stimulating environment.
At the end of Year 11, students will sit for their IGCSE examinations, which are globally recognized.
Subjects at Keystage 4:
- Mathematics
- English
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Arabic
- Physical Education
- History
- Geography
- Business Studies
- Art
- French
- Economics
Schedule a Tour
The best way to know if Pearling Season International School is right for you is to visit! Experience it for yourself on one of our campus tours.
Our school tours give parents and children the opportunity to visit the school premises and observe our students in their classroom environment, while also viewing the facilities and resources that Pearling Season International School has to offer.
We offer school tours on a daily basis from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a walk-in basis. Make reservations at least 72 hours in advance, as our tours fill up quickly and kindly bring with you your Qatari ID.