The National Curriculum starts with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). At PSI, we aim to provide a happy, secure and caring environment in which the students feel safe and nurtured. This, combined with educationally stimulating surroundings and activities, encourages our students to develop their inquisitive nature and learn at their own pace. Our young students gain knowledge through first hand, and multi-sensory experience.
This stage is an essential stage for any child. This is where students are required to build a strong foundation that which they can further build on as they grow up. PSI teachers put in full support to help students achieve a solid foundation.
Children at this stage are well-prepared to move on to Key Stage 1. They will have achieved sufficient support to learn more and develop.
Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. – Fred Rogers
Schedule a Tour
The best way to know if Pearling Season International School is right for you is to visit! Experience it for yourself on one of our campus tours.
Our school tours give parents and children the opportunity to visit the school premises and observe our students in their classroom environment, while also viewing the facilities and resources that Pearling Season International School has to offer.
We offer school tours on a daily basis from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a walk-in basis. Make reservations at least 72 hours in advance, as our tours fill up quickly and kindly bring with you your Qatari ID.